Eine einstündige Besichtigung des Eiffelturms wartet auf Sie! Verbringen Sie einige Zeit damit, das Wahrzeichen auf eigene Faust zu erkunden!
Dies ist das berühmteste Wahrzeichen von Paris, und wenn Sie in Paris sind, sollten Sie sich dieses Erlebnis nicht entgehen lassen. Besuchen Sie die 2. Etage des Eiffelturms und genießen Sie einen herrlichen Panoramablick!
Lots of people so be prepared to wait in the line even if you have a ticket. I suggest to book a ticket in advance - it saves time. This attraction is also weather depended. Look for a day with clear visibility.
Although we paid for a "skip the line" tour, we still ended up spending an hour in line. From what I could tell it was due to the tower staff deciding they weren't going to start until 45 mins after our booked time. Otherwise, great experience going to the top.
Beautiful!! Insane!! Breathtaking!! Absolute must is to lie on the grass next to the Eiffel Tower, wait for midnight to come and it sparkles. Just beautiful.