Eine einstündige Besichtigung des Eiffelturms wartet auf Sie! Verbringen Sie einige Zeit damit, das Wahrzeichen auf eigene Faust zu erkunden!
Dies ist das berühmteste Wahrzeichen von Paris, und wenn Sie in Paris sind, sollten Sie sich dieses Erlebnis nicht entgehen lassen. Besuchen Sie die 2. Etage des Eiffelturms und genießen Sie einen herrlichen Panoramablick!
whent for the weekend have to say was nice going but have to say very dirty a round the tower and people selling things hard to get some where to sit and getting a meal as so many people around
A must do. We walked up the stairs to the 2nd level since elevator tickets were sold out. It was challenging but mostly shaded and you can go at your own pace. There was little traffic so it was not crowded at all and we did not feel rushed. We ate in the restaurant, which was expensive but excellent food and friendly (for France) service.
Expensive for what it is,area is run down and full of immigrants trying to scam you every which way they can,streets surrounding constantly smell of urine,trash&grafiti everywhere,such a let down.