Eine einstündige Besichtigung des Eiffelturms wartet auf Sie! Verbringen Sie einige Zeit damit, das Wahrzeichen auf eigene Faust zu erkunden!
Dies ist das berühmteste Wahrzeichen von Paris, und wenn Sie in Paris sind, sollten Sie sich dieses Erlebnis nicht entgehen lassen. Besuchen Sie die 2. Etage des Eiffelturms und genießen Sie einen herrlichen Panoramablick!
I am terrified of height but I had to go the2nd floor to the Eiffel Tower. The view is outstanding, unbelievable, spectacular, breath taking to say the least.
Toilets at base horrible and too small for mass of people. I saw a rat and a duck. Eiffel tower looks incredible throughout.
We went by walk to the second floor. It was a breathtaking view of the city. Also, just looking at the structure of the tower was really cool. It was our favorite thing that we did in Paris this trip. I recommend that you take the stairs if you are able to do that.It made for an even more detailed view of the structure.