Eine einstündige Besichtigung des Eiffelturms wartet auf Sie! Verbringen Sie einige Zeit damit, das Wahrzeichen auf eigene Faust zu erkunden!
Dies ist das berühmteste Wahrzeichen von Paris, und wenn Sie in Paris sind, sollten Sie sich dieses Erlebnis nicht entgehen lassen. Besuchen Sie die 2. Etage des Eiffelturms und genießen Sie einen herrlichen Panoramablick!
Amazing views and architecture. We climbed to the second floor and although not able to do the summit (closed for winter maintenance) the views were spectacular. Being a winters day we were well prepared with coats and gloves to keep warm. The cafes on level 1 were a great break to warm up and have a, offed, champagne and Mulled wine. Our 3 teenage children easily climbed the 600+ steps and loved the views.
I love it! The view of the eiffel tower are so beautiful! I took the picture like about 100 times just trying to get the best view of this eiffel towers. I cannot wait to come back and take more pictures again
Only managed to get to 2nd floor as top was closed for maintenance work. My own honest opinion is that I was not impressed and found it costly. Much better view from top of Arc de Triomphe.