Eine einstündige Besichtigung des Eiffelturms wartet auf Sie! Verbringen Sie einige Zeit damit, das Wahrzeichen auf eigene Faust zu erkunden!
Dies ist das berühmteste Wahrzeichen von Paris, und wenn Sie in Paris sind, sollten Sie sich dieses Erlebnis nicht entgehen lassen. Besuchen Sie die 2. Etage des Eiffelturms und genießen Sie einen herrlichen Panoramablick!
The lines were impossibly long but we bought our tickets in advance and had a tour so we didn't have to wait. However even up in the tower it is is quite crowded. Great tour which told the history of the tower and that is still owned by the Eiffel family which is quite amazing. The view from the second floor was great but decided not to go any higher because the crowds were too big. Would advise to see this site in the less crowded seasons.
Thank you so much for your kind review!
Mind blowing going up Eiffel Tower, the stunning views of all of Paris is incredible. Book before you go, it still took us nearly an hour to get in and the poor souls in the huge none booked queue, were there hours waiting to get in. One of my all time favourite things I’ve ever done.
Thank you so much for your kind review!
Spectacular. The view was amazing and although it was cold, it certainly exceeded our expectations!!
Thank you for your kind words!