Erkunden Sie das weltberühmte Louvre-Museum in Paris.
Louvre Museum
Sie können bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn des Erlebnisses stornieren und erhalten eine vollständige Rückerstattung.
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Everything was good. The museum is beautiful, and even though it's the largest in the world, we managed to get around pretty well and see the artworks we wanted.
Everything was amazing only my legs hurts so much 😂 but my opinion for Louvre not enough one day...)) So i definitely will come back 😜
Getting the tickets via headout was convenient and quick. The Lourve is one fantastic museum and there is so much to see that one trip is never going to do justice to it. However, it is a must see for many travellers who have heard of the Lourve collection and the many popular media rendition of the Lourve as a tourist attraction or labyrinth filled with mystery.