Am östlichen Stadtrand von Paris, in der Nähe der Stadt Vincennes und am Rande des Bois de Vincennes, können Sie die ehemalige Festung und königliche Residenz, das Château de Vincennes, besichtigen. Der Großteil der Bauarbeiten fand zwischen 1361 und 1369 statt, und vom 14. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert diente es den französischen Königen als bevorzugter Palast nach dem Palais de la Cité. Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Vergangenheit dieses bemerkenswerten Bauwerks, das als Gefängnis diente, bevor es während der napoleonischen Ära zu einer Kaserne und einem Arsenal wurde.
- Besuchen Sie das berühmte Château de Vincennes und lassen Sie sich von dem ganz in Weiß gehaltenen, klassisch mittelalterlichen Gebäude faszinieren, das von seinem früheren Status als Königspalast zeugt.
- Erkunden Sie die hohen Türme und den Kerker, der zur Befestigung des Schlosses während der Schlachten diente, und schlendern Sie durch die historischen Gänge.
- Entdecken Sie den gut erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Bergfried, den mit 52 Metern höchsten Wehrturm Europas, in dem König Heinrich V. starb, und sehen Sie, wo Fouquet, der Marquis de Sade und Mirabeau gefangen gehalten wurden.
- Erleben Sie in der Sainte Chapelle de Vincennes die beeindruckende Außenfassade des gotischen Gebäudes und die wunderschöne Fensterrose.
Very nice place to visit. There is not so much to see but I would say that it is worth it. Generally you would spend about an hour or so. The castle is located in a less touristy area so there are barely any visitors compared to other attractions in Paris, making the place really quiet. It is very accessible by metro.
This castle wasn't as captivating as Chateau de Rambouillet further out of Paris, but Vincennes was super easy to reach by Parisian Metro Line A, with the walk to the castle being a very small distance. We were there for opening. Surprisingly, there was initially no one waiting, and then two or three turned up. I found this surprising as it was in what in Australia we'd call the inner suburbs - but this is Europe! It was simple to purchase admission tickets at the gift shop located inside the grounds. We spent about an hour here, including a visit (as Catholics) to Sainte-Chapelle that was austere inside, though it had copious most attractive stained glass windows. One could walk around the Castle grounds and its upper walkway. I did not go right to the top. Even when we departed, there were few visitors, but it was a weekday. We didn't visit a cafe in the town but there looked to be quite a few across the road from the castle.
We decided to spend half the day at this lovely understated Chateau. It was only a few more metro stops past the area where we were staying. The metro stop drops you off in front of the Chateau. We arrived a few minutes before they opened. You walk in through the drawbridge and the ticket office/gift shop is in the building to the right. You will need a ticket to get into the main Chateau building and to get into the Sainte-Chapelle de Vincennes. We decided to spend a few Euros and get the self audio tour which was definitely worth it! I would highly recommend the audio tour since it was easy to use and provided a detailed description of what was once in then Chateau. Sainte-Chapelle was just beautiful especially with the morning sunshine coming in though the stained glass. There is also a museum of the French military in another building that was quite interesting to walk through. All in all this was an excellent half day excursion without the large crowds. Both couples enjoyed the time we spent there and were happy we decided to visit.