Visite el mundialmente famoso Museo del Louvre y descubra sus numerosos tesoros artísticos a su propio ritmo, mientras admira las famosas obras de arte. Para completar su día, tome un crucero de una hora por el encantador río Sena.
Lo más destado
- Descubra el Museo del Louvre desde el interior mientras admira sus 40.000 obras de arte expuestas. Contemple a su propio ritmo grandes obras de arte tales como la Mona Lisa y la Venus de Milo.
- Disfrute de todo el esplendor panorámico a bordo de un barco completamente acristalado. Admire la belleza de las orillas mientras navega por el rio Sena.
- Navege delante de los mundialmente famosos monumentos de París, como la Catedral de Notre Dame, la Torre Eiffel y puentes históricos como el Pont Neuf.
Whenever you are in Paris do go for this cruise, it will take you to all the city highlights. The experience was amazing. I have to recommend this cruise! Louvre is perfect, stunning, gigantic and huge. I hsbe no words to describe but just perfect !
This boat ride was pretty good. Tons of people but there was plenty of space. Plan to get their about 20 minutes before the boat takes off or you won’t get on and will have to wait for the next one. Louvre was an easy pass, thanks to Paristick! Loved it very much !
A quick (1 hr) river tour worth to try while visiting the nice Paris .. it allows to see many places from different angle.. I have purchased the tickets very easily online. Thanks for the well organized website. Louvre is just amazing. So much to see!