Visite el mundialmente famoso Museo del Louvre y descubra sus numerosos tesoros artísticos a su propio ritmo, mientras admira las famosas obras de arte. Para completar su día, tome un crucero de una hora por el encantador río Sena.
Lo más destado
- Descubra el Museo del Louvre desde el interior mientras admira sus 40.000 obras de arte expuestas. Contemple a su propio ritmo grandes obras de arte tales como la Mona Lisa y la Venus de Milo.
- Disfrute de todo el esplendor panorámico a bordo de un barco completamente acristalado. Admire la belleza de las orillas mientras navega por el rio Sena.
- Navege delante de los mundialmente famosos monumentos de París, como la Catedral de Notre Dame, la Torre Eiffel y puentes históricos como el Pont Neuf.
A truly one of a Kind Museum, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to explore all of the incredibly preserved art work. Best view form the sightseeing boat!
A wonderful experience visiting the Museum. We took advice and went early in the morning and avoided any potential queueing or crowds. It is a huge Museum and impossible to see everything in one trip. The dock to boat was easy to find and the tour gave me one of best moment on my weekend in Paris.
It's a must place to visit when in Paris. But lower your expectations as to how much of it you can see. If you spend 5 minutes at each piece of art it will take you over a week to see it all. My advice is to take a section and enjoy it for a day visit. If you want to see Mona Lisa, there is always a long lineup, but it is worth the effort. Get there early and plan to spend the day there. You can rest on the Bateaux Parisiens as you flow down the river.