Visite el mundialmente famoso Museo del Louvre y descubra sus numerosos tesoros artísticos a su propio ritmo, mientras admira las famosas obras de arte. Para completar su día, tome un crucero de una hora por el encantador río Sena.
Lo más destado
- Descubra el Museo del Louvre desde el interior mientras admira sus 40.000 obras de arte expuestas. Contemple a su propio ritmo grandes obras de arte tales como la Mona Lisa y la Venus de Milo.
- Disfrute de todo el esplendor panorámico a bordo de un barco completamente acristalado. Admire la belleza de las orillas mientras navega por el rio Sena.
- Navege delante de los mundialmente famosos monumentos de París, como la Catedral de Notre Dame, la Torre Eiffel y puentes históricos como el Pont Neuf.
I couldn't visit Paris and not take a cruise down the Seine. We took the Bateaux Parisiens for this trip.Along the way we passed 7 bridges; all different designs and lots of boat restaurants. We saw some lovely buildings as well. The ride could have taken about an hour. After we docked we headed to Louvre. The combo ticket worth the price and I would recommend doing.
Amazing places, the buildings and architectures alone are stunning. The contents are fascinating and the audio guide was a great addition and help. the Mona Lisa was the star of the show as expected but also great seeing all Da Vinci’s pieces in the museum. Give yourself a few hours here, it’s a big place!
Loved the museum. There was so much to do and see. If you like Egyptian and greek history then this is the place for you. Good luck trying to get a glimpse of the Mona Lisa though, the crowds are huge :D I took a sunbath after a long in Louvre. Totally recommended !