Utilice el ticket combinado para acceder a la Conciergerie y a la Sainte-Chapelle. Explore la impresionante arquitectura y la ilustre historia cultural de estos dos lugares únicos.
Lo más destacado
- Adéntrese en el París medieval visitando la hermosa Conciergerie, donde también podrá apreciar la impresionante arquitectura de la corte revolucionaria y la cárcel donde se dice que estuvo encarcelada María Antonieta.
- Visite las tumbas de los héroes de la Revolución Francesa mientras admira los edificios góticos del siglo XIV, las celdas de las prisiones y las mazmorras.
- Contemple a su ritmo la arquitectura gótica y las magníficas vidrieras del siglo XIII de la Sainte-Chapelle.
- Aprenda más sobre los preciosos artefactos y reliquias que fueron almacenados aquí en el pasado, incluyendo la Corona de Espinas y la Imagen de Edesa
Less crowded than its neighboring touristic building, the Sainté-Chapelle, it is an interesting construction with its particular style and history behind. Saint-Chapelle I always visit when in Paris, it’s simply stunning.
A Medieval Royal Residence with Gothic halls, used as a prison in the revolution. A place full of stories and mysteries that reminds the tragic end of a famous Empress. The Chapel is stunning. Definitely a must visit. Centrally located and also near a metro stop, it's easy to fit in a quick stop.
The Conciergerie is an interesting building with quite a long, dark and intriguing history. It dates to the early Middle Ages and was part of the royal palace, the Palais de la Cité. During the French Revolution it became rather infamous as many people were imprisoned there and then were executed. Marie Antoinette served time in one of the cells of the Conciergerie. It's worth taking some time to visit and have a bit of a look at some of the history of France in this amazing place. Today the building is part of the Law Courts of the city, but it is also a museum and has been preserved as a national monument as well.