Utilice el ticket combinado para acceder a la Conciergerie y a la Sainte-Chapelle. Explore la impresionante arquitectura y la ilustre historia cultural de estos dos lugares únicos.
Lo más destacado
- Adéntrese en el París medieval visitando la hermosa Conciergerie, donde también podrá apreciar la impresionante arquitectura de la corte revolucionaria y la cárcel donde se dice que estuvo encarcelada María Antonieta.
- Visite las tumbas de los héroes de la Revolución Francesa mientras admira los edificios góticos del siglo XIV, las celdas de las prisiones y las mazmorras.
- Contemple a su ritmo la arquitectura gótica y las magníficas vidrieras del siglo XIII de la Sainte-Chapelle.
- Aprenda más sobre los preciosos artefactos y reliquias que fueron almacenados aquí en el pasado, incluyendo la Corona de Espinas y la Imagen de Edesa
When we went there it was a huge queue and I was shocked to see the queue but soon I figured out that this queue was only for who haven’t got tickets and I went to the main entrance to ask the lady in charge for the entry people with tickets and she let me through from the main gate . We definitely avoided the queue I went to visit the Chapelle around 4:30 and I think that was very good time still long queues (with no ticket only ) When I went inside I was stunned to see the beauty of the chapel and the amazing roof . Me and my son both loved the building.We didn’t stay Much longer as it’s not very big inside so we took few pics and left Chapelle after 20 mins . It was worth going there and the tickets buying via viatar trip advisor was definitely a worth .
Due to very strict security rules, you are not allowed to enter if you have a light luggage with you. There is not storage room and staff members are not really keen to help you.
Sainte Chapelle has amazing stained glass windows - a must see. However to see them needs a climb up a narrow spiral staircase to see. My wife couldn’t do which was very disappointing & should be known before booking. Also the conciergerie was closed that day so we would have to return another day to see it