Utilice el ticket combinado para acceder a la Conciergerie y a la Sainte-Chapelle. Explore la impresionante arquitectura y la ilustre historia cultural de estos dos lugares únicos.
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- Adéntrese en el París medieval visitando la hermosa Conciergerie, donde también podrá apreciar la impresionante arquitectura de la corte revolucionaria y la cárcel donde se dice que estuvo encarcelada María Antonieta.
- Visite las tumbas de los héroes de la Revolución Francesa mientras admira los edificios góticos del siglo XIV, las celdas de las prisiones y las mazmorras.
- Contemple a su ritmo la arquitectura gótica y las magníficas vidrieras del siglo XIII de la Sainte-Chapelle.
- Aprenda más sobre los preciosos artefactos y reliquias que fueron almacenados aquí en el pasado, incluyendo la Corona de Espinas y la Imagen de Edesa
On crossing Pont Du Change, we saw the Conciergerie on the right, which was a old palace used by french kings. It became a detention prison during the French Revolution and the most famous prisoner was Marie-Antoinette. When we visited there was an exhibition of on the life, times and fashion icon of Marie-Antoinette. The exhibition was very enjoyable and informative. We also visited a commemorative chapel was erected on the site of her cell. Must visit and see.
The grand Conciergerie houses the French Police and the Court of Justice. This imposing Gothic palace, built by Philip Le Bel (the Fair) between 1301 and 1315, has a rich history. Parts of it were turned into a prison , controlled by the conciergerie, or keeper of the king's mansion, hence the name. Ravaillac, assasin of Henry IV, was tortured here. But it was during the Revolution that the prison became a place of terror, when thousands were held here awaiting execution at the guillotine. Today, you can see the Salle des Gardes and the magnificent vaulted Salle des Gems d' Armes, the medieval kitchens, torture chambers, the Bonbec tower and the cell where Marie Antoinette was held. There is also a fantastic virtual reality tour (free of charge), which shows you how all the sections of the building looked like.