Utilizzate un biglietto combinato per accedere sia alla Conciergerie che alla Sainte-Chapelle. Esplorate la splendida architettura e l'illustre storia culturale di questi due luoghi speciali.
Punti salienti
- Imparate a conoscere la Parigi medievale visitando la splendida Conciergerie, dove potrete ammirare anche la splendida architettura del tribunale rivoluzionario e la prigione in cui si dice sia stata imprigionata Maria Antonietta.
- Visitate le tombe degli eroi della Rivoluzione francese e ammirate gli edifici gotici del XIV secolo, le celle di prigione e i sotterranei.
- Ammirate l'architettura gotica e le magnifiche vetrate del XIII secolo della Sainte-Chapelle con calma.
- Scoprite i preziosi manufatti e le reliquie conservati qui in passato, tra cui la Corona di Spine e l'Immagine di Edessa.
Infamous place, but very important for understanding the history of Paris and France itself. We managed to visit during the special exibition dedicated to Marie Antoanete, probably the most famous captive of this place.
Although just a few days remain, the exhibition on Marie-Antoinette was just fascinating. There are wonderful artifacts on display (including her letter to sister-in-law Elizabeth just before her execution) and a very good study of how the Queen has been portrayed in literature and film over time. She remains an enigma ....
Many people have said to us over the years - “oh no - don’t go on free day - the crowds are horrendous”. Fortunately a lot of people must believe the naysayers. There was a very small ‘crowd’ of about 5 people in the ‘queue’ to enter the Conciergerie. We survived. They had a very well curated exhibition about Marie Antoinette when we visited - as she spent her last weeks a prisoner in the Conciergerie before her fateful date with the guillotine. Fascinating stuff.