Vi aspetta un tour di un'ora della Torre Eiffel! Trascorrete un po' di tempo ad esplorare il monumento da soli!
È il simbolo più famoso di Parigi e se vi trovate a Parigi non potete perdervi questa esperienza. Visitate il 2° piano della Torre Eiffel per godere di una splendida vista panoramica!
Great experience, you could see most of Paris center from up here! This is a must for anyone traveling to Paris!
Day one of our anniversary trip we started with The Eiffel Tower. We had prepaid for our excursion and that gave us some priority to skip the line and go to the second floor. If you want I suggest you do the prepaid and save yourself time and frustration.
We purchased time tickets to the Eiffel Tower to walk up to the second floor. We were a little late but that was not a problem. Show your ticket to anyone who looks official and they will point you to the correct line.