Uno dei migliori esempi dell'arte e dell'architettura francese del XVII secolo, la Reggia di Versailles è patrimonio dell'umanità dell'UNESCO e un punto di riferimento francese da non perdere. Esplorate gli appartamenti di Stato del re e della regina, i loro saloni a tema e gli elaborati affreschi sui soffitti.
Drop at main entrance and time driven staged entry procedure makes sense. Seem morning is by far busiest, recommend mid-day or later arrival for groups. Instructions for using audio are incomplete.
The most pleasant thing was the fact that we have small extra excursion (free) to the parfum museum! And our group even got some small presents during that excursion!
The best option with transfer to the Versailles palace! The guide is excellent man with good explanations. The excursion itself is by your own with audio guide, but it is quite convenient because you can go with your own speed.