Utilice el ticket combinado para acceder a la Conciergerie y a la Sainte-Chapelle. Explore la impresionante arquitectura y la ilustre historia cultural de estos dos lugares únicos.
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- Adéntrese en el París medieval visitando la hermosa Conciergerie, donde también podrá apreciar la impresionante arquitectura de la corte revolucionaria y la cárcel donde se dice que estuvo encarcelada María Antonieta.
- Visite las tumbas de los héroes de la Revolución Francesa mientras admira los edificios góticos del siglo XIV, las celdas de las prisiones y las mazmorras.
- Contemple a su ritmo la arquitectura gótica y las magníficas vidrieras del siglo XIII de la Sainte-Chapelle.
- Aprenda más sobre los preciosos artefactos y reliquias que fueron almacenados aquí en el pasado, incluyendo la Corona de Espinas y la Imagen de Edesa
After seeing Saint Chapelle we decide to stop into the Conciergerie. Impressive architecture as well as new structure that was built inside replicating the re direction of water from the Siene. Very insightful history of the conciergerie.
I have walked by and boated by the Conciergerie many times over the past 30 years but never took the time to go in. On my recent visit, decided to do the combined ticket with it and La Sainte Chapelle and thoroughly enjoyed both. It doesn't take long to do the self guided tour and we arrived about an hour after opening mid-week so didn't have to wait long in line. The bookstore has some fun things to purchase as well.
If you have time, make sure you visit this place while in Paris. It is located right along the Seine and looks like a medieval castle - which I believe it originally was. You can see where Marie Anoinette was held before she was executed. It is now a chapel. This is a very interesting place!