Utilizzate un biglietto combinato per accedere sia alla Conciergerie che alla Sainte-Chapelle. Esplorate la splendida architettura e l'illustre storia culturale di questi due luoghi speciali.
Punti salienti
- Imparate a conoscere la Parigi medievale visitando la splendida Conciergerie, dove potrete ammirare anche la splendida architettura del tribunale rivoluzionario e la prigione in cui si dice sia stata imprigionata Maria Antonietta.
- Visitate le tombe degli eroi della Rivoluzione francese e ammirate gli edifici gotici del XIV secolo, le celle di prigione e i sotterranei.
- Ammirate l'architettura gotica e le magnifiche vetrate del XIII secolo della Sainte-Chapelle con calma.
- Scoprite i preziosi manufatti e le reliquie conservati qui in passato, tra cui la Corona di Spine e l'Immagine di Edessa.
We bought the dual tickets to see Sainte Chappelle and the Conciergerie. Both worthwhile visits. Sainte Chappelle was very beautiful, both upstairs and down. The Conciergerie was very interesting, esp for those who love history. Good time investment here.
The stained glass is absolutely stunning .The stairs are worth the climb. you get to the top and it just lights up and you just get memorized. for the couple extra bucks the Concierge tour is worth it
We purchased the combined ticket for Ste Chapelle and the Conciergerie and enjoyed both. There was a water installation which was a bonus. The Conciergerie had been used as a prison during the revolution and there was lots of information available, particularly about the justice system at that time, how it changed and those imprisoned there (though the tech wasn't working fully). I note that some reviews say this could be looked up online. That may be true but I hadn't thought about reading up on the Revolution until I was there and was able to appreciate the complexities and just how little we were taught in school. 4 stars due to the not fully functional IT and the visit flow not matching the numbers on the plan in the useful free leaflet.