Zámok Versailles, ktorý je jedným z najkrajších príkladov francúzskeho umenia a architektúry 17. storočia, je zapísaný na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO a patrí medzi francúzske pamiatky, ktoré musíte vidieť. Preskúmajte zdobené štátne apartmány kráľa a kráľovnej, ich tematické salóny a prepracované fresky na stropoch.
Unfortunately the bus journey was not very pleasant due to the fault of an Italian couple, all the way they were complaining that they paid too much and that they were scammed (it wasn't true)
Everything went well. The guides were very friendly, unfortunately not German speaking. The price is quite high, especially since we had a child with us who would actually have had free entry.
It was all very easy. We were very well looked after by our guide from the meeting point, to the bus ride, to entry and pick-up again.