Na vstup do Conciergerie a Sainte-Chapelle použite kombinovanú vstupenku. Preskúmajte úžasnú architektúru a slávnu kultúrnu históriu týchto dvoch výnimočných miest.
Najdôležitejšie udalosti
- Spoznajte stredoveký Paríž prehliadkou nádhernej
- Conciergerie, kde si môžete pozrieť aj ohromujúcu architektúru revolučného dvora a väzenia, v ktorom bola údajne väznená Mária Antoinetta.
- Navštívte hroby hrdinov Francúzskej revolúcie a zároveň obdivujte gotické budovy zo 14. storočia, väzenské cely a žaláre.
- Obdivujte gotickú architektúru a nádherné vitráže z 13. storočia v kaplnke Sainte-Chapelle vlastným tempom.
- Získajte viac informácií o vzácnych artefaktoch a relikviách, ktoré tu boli v minulosti uložené, vrátane tŕňovej koruny a obrazu z Edessy
Very beautiful church, it's quite small and try to read upfront about it, cause the info on the location is minimal. Combine the ticket with a visit in the conciergerie
There is a lot of reading about the revolution and it is interesting but that’s all. It is worth a visit and should take less than an hour. The best reason to visit is that you can get book combined tickets for St Chapelle and the conciergerie you can get in the fast access queue with your ticket.
I bought our tickets online before arriving to Paris. The Conciergerie and Sainte-Chapelle combo. We entered at the Conciergerie and by the time I realized the chapel was a separate entrance, we were nearly too late. Fortunately, with tickets in hand, they let us pass through security. I gasped when I walked into the once royal chapel consecrated in 1248. King Louis IX wanted a church worthy to house his collection of Passion relics, and he succeeded.