Objavte neuveriteľné historické zmeny gotickej pamiatky pri návšteve Conciergerie.
Najdôležitejšie informácie
- Preskúmajte nádherné Conciergerie a nahliadnite do stredovekého Paríža.
- Preskúmajte väzenie Márie Antoinetty, ako aj ohromujúcu architektúru revolučného dvora.
- Obdivujte gotickú architektúru zo 14. storočia, navštívte väzenské kobky a cely a navštívte hroby hrdinov Francúzskej revolúcie.
This is a lovely place for a 30-minute visit for anyone interested in the French Revolution. The major attraction here is the hall of arches, which is absolutely stunning.
Seeing the last home to Marie Antoinette and the medieval architecture are the highlights of this attraction. If you have time, it could be worth a visit.
The sight itself is not essential on a Paris visit, but they have a new virtual reality tablet that is worthwhile in itself. It replaces the old audio guide. It allows you to get visual information on each room (it knows where you are and serves up specific content). But when you hold up the tablet to a wall, it presents a visual of what the room looked like 200 years ago. And has interactive links for more info. It is very well done.