Na vstup do Conciergerie a Sainte-Chapelle použite kombinovanú vstupenku. Preskúmajte úžasnú architektúru a slávnu kultúrnu históriu týchto dvoch výnimočných miest.
Najdôležitejšie udalosti
- Spoznajte stredoveký Paríž prehliadkou nádhernej
- Conciergerie, kde si môžete pozrieť aj ohromujúcu architektúru revolučného dvora a väzenia, v ktorom bola údajne väznená Mária Antoinetta.
- Navštívte hroby hrdinov Francúzskej revolúcie a zároveň obdivujte gotické budovy zo 14. storočia, väzenské cely a žaláre.
- Obdivujte gotickú architektúru a nádherné vitráže z 13. storočia v kaplnke Sainte-Chapelle vlastným tempom.
- Získajte viac informácií o vzácnych artefaktoch a relikviách, ktoré tu boli v minulosti uložené, vrátane tŕňovej koruny a obrazu z Edessy
Booked this Sainte Chapelle and Conciergerie combo and it was worth it. The histopads were really interactive and informative. Had 3 teens with me who all enjoyed the experience (one of course just wanted to look for the hidden treasures but hey it kept her interested!). Well worth the ticket price.
This site was mesmerising, particularly the stained glass windows upstairs. However, keep in mind there are really only two things to see there, the downstairs room and the chapel upstairs, but overall, was worth it. Photographers heaven!
Walking into the building, I felt as though it would be a boring experience since there was not much to look at upon walking in. But once the tablet was handed to me, and I was able to see the Conciergerie as how it was in historical times and learn about the historical events, my mind was blown and made the experience 100x better. It was interesting, and the treasure hunt made it very engaging.