Aké majstrovské dielo v srdci Paríža! Príďte sa pozrieť na obrovský rozmer a výzdobu neoklasicistického zázraku! Prejdite sa a nadýchnite sa histórie!
Aké majstrovské dielo v srdci Paríža! Príďte sa pozrieť na obrovský rozmer a výzdobu neoklasicistického zázraku! Prejdite sa a nadýchnite sa histórie!
Posledný vstup do pamiatky 45 minút pred zatvorením.
Bezplatný vstup je možný v prvú nedeľu v januári, februári, marci, novembri a decembri a počas Dní európskeho kultúrneho dedičstva.
Zatvorené 1. januára, 1. mája a 25. decembra.
Bezplatný vstup pre osoby mladšie ako 18 rokov a pre občanov EÚ do 26 rokov
Pantheon, Place du Panthéon, Quartier de la Sorbonne, 5th
Zážitok môžete zrušiť do 24 hodín pred jeho začiatkom a dostanete späť celú sumu.
The building is pretty with a lot of history, they have touch screen computers in multiple languages throughout the exhibit, downstairs they have the crypt!
Thank you for your kind words!
Our visit was a little differnet as I really had no interest to view this monument, thinking it's just another one...... Well, strike me down, this one bowled me over, I never really knew or understood about its historical importance, but now having been exposed and becoming a little more informed, I am overwhelmed. I think one should take the time and sit and appreciate this one, as so much can be missed if you walk through without breathing it in.
Thank you so much for your kind review!
Marvelous idea and a great tribute to have this building as a monument and the resting place for all extraordinary French man and woman who made France great. Marvelous architecture and an amazing symbol of power, remembrance and prosperity
Thank you for your kind words!