Objavte nadčasovú eleganciu Versailles, kde história ožíva!
Zámok Versailles, ktorý je jedným z najkrajších príkladov francúzskeho umenia a architektúry 17. storočia, je zapísaný na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO a patrí medzi francúzske pamiatky, ktoré musíte vidieť.
Preskúmajte zdobené štátne apartmány kráľa a kráľovnej, ich tematické salóny a prepracované fresky na stropoch. Staňte sa svedkami úchvatnej krásy Zrkadlovej siene vo Versailles.
we decided to view the Palace and possibly go into the gardens as I have never done that before. The line to the Palace was just too long and it was cold and windy. We walked around to the gardens and there were no lines and there was nothing blooming as Paris had a late start to their spring. We decided to just go to the gift shop and take pictures by the palace gates.
Outstanding gardens and fountains..!
Beautiful Palace but very busy. The Petit Trianon was worth the long walk- the building and grounds and farms were a lovely surprise. The fountains were magical and we spent most of the day outside on Easter Sunday in beautiful weather exploring the grounds which did not feel busy. I loved it.