Zámok Versailles, ktorý je jedným z najkrajších príkladov francúzskeho umenia a architektúry 17. storočia, je zapísaný na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO a patrí medzi francúzske pamiatky, ktoré musíte vidieť. Preskúmajte zdobené štátne apartmány kráľa a kráľovnej, ich tematické salóny a prepracované fresky na stropoch.
Everything was super easy, everything was explained well. and the castle with the giant garden is simply breathtaking
When we take the visit of the castle + the fountains in the gardens, the time given to us on site is very insufficient. The service which in fact only includes transport and the purchase of tickets, seemed expensive to us.
Time allocated for this particular excursion was perfect for us as we had 3.5 hours in the Palace, time for lunch and then only a brief time left for the gardens so didn't see much of these, which was fine as March does not show them at their best.