Čaká vás hodinová prehliadka Eiffelovej veže! Strávte nejaký čas prehliadkou tejto pamiatky na vlastnú päsť!
Je to najznámejšia parížska pamiatka, a ak ste v Paríži, tento zážitok by ste si nemali nechať ujsť. Navštívte 2. poschodie Eiffelovej veže, odkiaľ sa vám naskytne nádherný panoramatický výhľad!
The most romantic and memorable moments in my opinion. great view of Paris. It is very busy and overwhelming with a lots of people.
This is the top 2 among the Wonders of the world for me. It is very nice place. Perfectly built and an amazing spot for lovers or relationships.
Obviously this is a must visit for each traveler in Paris. It is magnificent and very majestic, not to crowded and will be a good experience...