Čaká vás hodinová prehliadka Eiffelovej veže! Strávte nejaký čas prehliadkou tejto pamiatky na vlastnú päsť!
Je to najznámejšia parížska pamiatka, a ak ste v Paríži, tento zážitok by ste si nemali nechať ujsť. Navštívte 2. poschodie Eiffelovej veže, odkiaľ sa vám naskytne nádherný panoramatický výhľad!
You can't visit Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower, even if you only see it from the outside. If you can, wait out the queues and take the time to go up as the views of the city are phenomenal.
very nice here the view is really very pretty. Strikingly, the city itself is extremely clean compared to the past, I really like that!
Great place to visit, lovely views as you would expect. Long queue to enter and lots of people trying to sell stuff - typical tourist attraction. Well worth a visit