Čaká vás hodinová prehliadka Eiffelovej veže! Strávte nejaký čas prehliadkou tejto pamiatky na vlastnú päsť!
Je to najznámejšia parížska pamiatka, a ak ste v Paríži, tento zážitok by ste si nemali nechať ujsť. Navštívte 2. poschodie Eiffelovej veže, odkiaľ sa vám naskytne nádherný panoramatický výhľad!
The Eiffel Tower is the most iconic place in Paris and is a must visit for tourists. It's absolutely stunning both day and night. There are so many vendors selling souvenirs and can find many street artists surrounding the Towel. A truly remarkable experience.
Best view on the top of eiffeil tower; happy to have a visit of this marvelous and unique monument all around the world
Seeing the eiffel tower up close is breath taking. It is huge. There is a park outside and around it so you can sit down and have some food or drink before ascending the tower. We went up to the first level first, there was a shop on the level which was good. Im not going to lie, I could see and hear the tower moving in the wind as we went on a very windy day and it made me feel very uneasy and I couldn't go any higher.