Čaká vás hodinová prehliadka Eiffelovej veže! Strávte nejaký čas prehliadkou tejto pamiatky na vlastnú päsť!
Je to najznámejšia parížska pamiatka, a ak ste v Paríži, tento zážitok by ste si nemali nechať ujsť. Navštívte 2. poschodie Eiffelovej veže, odkiaľ sa vám naskytne nádherný panoramatický výhľad!
Gorgeous !!!! I recommend to buy tickets in advance specially during winter so you don't have to wait to get in and freeze out.
Thank you for your kind words!
Fantastic experience. Unfortunately climbed up to the second floor due to the strong wind, but the view is spectacular, the sunset even more so.
Thank you so much for your kind review!
You simply have to get close to appreciate the size of this site. A work of art and architecture, you'll want to get tickets in advance. Nice restaurants on various levels, quite pricey but the views are spectacular!
Thank you so much for your kind review!