Čaká vás hodinová prehliadka Eiffelovej veže! Strávte nejaký čas prehliadkou tejto pamiatky na vlastnú päsť!
Je to najznámejšia parížska pamiatka, a ak ste v Paríži, tento zážitok by ste si nemali nechať ujsť. Navštívte 2. poschodie Eiffelovej veže, odkiaľ sa vám naskytne nádherný panoramatický výhľad!
After going to Paris many times, it gets boring, but it's not as boring as the Eiffel Tower at all, and it's always cool. Especially the Eiffel Tower at night is ecstatic itself. Beautiful program offerd amazing services
The Eiffel Tower Paris is the most popular tourist destination. No matter how many times you go, you want to go again. Gratitude to the program
it is special time to be at eiffel tower specially at night, magnificent city with charming places. Thanks for makin it possible.