Objavte nadčasovú eleganciu Versailles, kde história ožíva!
Zámok Versailles, ktorý je jedným z najkrajších príkladov francúzskeho umenia a architektúry 17. storočia, je zapísaný na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO a patrí medzi francúzske pamiatky, ktoré musíte vidieť.
Preskúmajte zdobené štátne apartmány kráľa a kráľovnej, ich tematické salóny a prepracované fresky na stropoch. Staňte sa svedkami úchvatnej krásy Zrkadlovej siene vo Versailles.
Roaming the halls of Versailles Palace with my family was a journey through time. The kids were enthralled by the grandeur, and we, as parents, were enamored by the historical significance. A perfect family day out.
The Versailles park, spanning an impressive 800 hectares, is a masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of French sophistication. The gardens and the Palaces of Trianon weave together seamlessly, offering visitors a grand tapestry of history and beauty to explore at their own pace.
I regret buying the entry tickets to Versailles Palace. The online booking was a hassle, and the staff at the entrance were unfriendly. The 'Fountain + Garden' access was a total rip-off. The fountains were not functioning, and the gardens looked neglected. Don't fall for the hype, it's not worth it.