Vysoko Odporúčané
4.5 / 5
2624 Recenzie
Louvre Museum - Vstupenky
Bezplatné Storno
Celodenný lístok
Rýchle Overenie
Mobilný Lístok
Čo je súčasťou balenia
- Pozrite si svetoznáme umelecké diela ako Mona Lisa a Venuša de Milo.
- Preskúmajte túto svetoznámu pamiatku zvnútra s vystavenými 40 000 predmetmi.
- Preskočte fronty pri pokladniach, kde môžete ušetriť 1-2 hodiny.
- Celodenná vstupenka do múzea Louvre
Ďalšie informácie
- Nie je bezbariérový
- Nie je prístupný s kočíkom
- Služobné zvieratá nie sú povolené
- V blízkosti verejnej dopravy
- Väčšina cestujúcich sa môže zúčastniť
- V prípade rezervácie na poslednú chvíľu očakávajte lístok do 15-30 minút.
Louvre Museum
Zásady zrušenia
Zážitok môžete zrušiť do 24 hodín pred jeho začiatkom a dostanete späť celú sumu.
- Ak chcete získať plnú náhradu, musíte pobyt zrušiť najneskôr 24 hodín pred jeho začiatkom.
- Ak zrušíte účasť na zážitku menej ako 24 hodín pred jeho začiatkom, zaplatená suma sa vám nevráti.
- Akékoľvek zmeny vykonané menej ako 24 hodín pred začiatkom zážitku nebudú akceptované.Čas uzávierky je založený na miestnom čase skúsenosti.
- Tento zážitok si vyžaduje dobré počasie. Ak bude zrušený kvôli zlému počasiu, bude vám ponúknutý iný termín alebo vrátenie peňazí v plnej výške.
Podobné ponuky
Vyberte si najlepšiu prehliadku Eiffelovej veže pre vás!
Paríž: Výlety loďou a plavby na večeru
Vyberte si najlepšiu plavbu pre vás!
Prečo si vybrať nás
zrušenie do 24 hodín
spokojní používatelia
výborné skóre
This is the world's largest museum- yet visiting feels remarkably organized and stress free. Since the museum is inside of a palace that was built in the 12th century, it can feel a bit confusing to navigate. There are plenty of staff throughout the museum to assist with questions. One of the things I observed during our visit was how unintrusive staff were. In some museums, staff 'hover' and watch visitors to the point that it's frustrating. I didn't see a single interaction like this today. Queues were long at entry and for some of the women's bathrooms, as well as the museum cafes. This is to be expected though, and all in all, everything felt very organized. There are bathrooms located throughout the museum. Some of the exhibit descriptions were only in French. The Mona Lisa was definitely the most popular exhibit during our visit. The actual portrait was a lot smaller than I had imagined too. It was still nice to see the Mona Lisa even from a distance. Water bottles aren't allowed. I saw a few people with backpacks. All purses and bags go through a CT Scan just like the airport does. Climate control was uneven at times. Many of the areas were super hot on this warm July day. We still had an amazing time and this will be an unforgettable experience.
Love the Louvre - but the queues were huge the day we visited so we didn't go in. In saying that, the atmosphere was amazing and it was brilliant just being there.
Pre-booked tickets and joined the large queue at our allotted time. Lots of staff to assist and queues well-managed. Once past security and inside then the museum doesn’t seem too crowded - the museum is vast so the crowds outside dissipate inside. Not an art aficionado but enjoyed the art - so much more to the Louvre than the well-publicised highlights. Large queue for the Mona Lisa but you can view easily from the side if you don’t have the time (or patience) to queue to see it.